Thursday, May 19, 2011

Misc Pics from May

We've been busy... Or so it seems... Isaac has learned to ride a bike with no training wheels, Jace still insists hes a baby and proceeds to be bribed with potty treats each time... We've managed to mow a little soccer field in the ravine/field behind our backyard(a task which involved ridding the area of the thistles.. pulling.raking/spraying... ). Brooke is now into dressing herself.. (as evidenced by the panties around her arms like a bolero... new trend perhaps?? ) We're saving the birds in our neighborhood... Although Isaac tells me that there are some bad birds... but you just shoot them like poppa.. (cause they scare away the nice ones :) Jace managed this week to have a goose egg, black eye and blood spot in his hair.. :( We have some amazingly awesome friends and fellow mommas that are an absolute blast to hang out with.. even though when we get together it seems like all we do is try and stop the whining and break up fights :) And our neighbor informed us that the best entertainment they've found in the evening is sitting on their patio watching our kids... (Wade and I agreed... its ours too :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great shot! My daughter needs some more girlfriends.. :).. Love you guys

Someday it will not matter how big my house is, how much money is in the bank, or where i have travelled.. only that I have been important in the life of a child...