Friday, April 2, 2010

Bunkbed 1 - Jace 0

Chalk one up for the bunkbed.. Don't ask me what happened because I don't know. (And before you cast stones at his mother for not being around:) I was right next door - sitting in my 'chair' in the closet feeding Brooke.. All i heard was clunk... and then nothing (and no he wasn't unconscious) There was no crying.. nothing.. I finished feeding Brooke, and went to see what I thought was a book fallen off the shelf and noticed his head.. YIKES...

FYI this kid is TOUGH... You can see how spankin's just ain't working for him !!


mandypants said...

Goodness sakes little bear! Good thing you now have safety glasses.....

Anonymous said...

are you kidding me and he did not even cry. oh my - that is a boy for ya !!! im just used to the drama around here with two little girls. i have to admit. this child does look tuff.
Lea, you have got your hands full and i think of you often and am amazed.
Amanda Sakundiak

Jarvis, Alyson Daudi and Adair said...

Wow, yikes is right! He might need a hard hat to go with those glasses :0)

sharmilla said...

Does anything faze him? I think Jace is going to sail thru life's hard knocks just fine! What a trooper.

letisha said...

Ouch! What a trooper!

Someday it will not matter how big my house is, how much money is in the bank, or where i have travelled.. only that I have been important in the life of a child...