Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Inflatable Jumping Animals!!

Just what every child needs.. An indoor jumping toy!! I have to admit after a couple of weeks I am a huge fan, and the boys have not stopped using them.. As a parent I am sick of 1000 piece toy sets - where you are picking up pieces all the time , losing them until finally the whole set is useless, or battery operated toys that require the worlds smallest screw driver to insert new batteries - so therefore only work for the 1st little bit , or big huge toy sets that take up copious amounts of space to store.. So shopping for toys for my kids is a whole lot of NO's on my part.. However Grandma Johnson - or actually Auntie Marci found these great little creatures and thought they would be perfect for long winter days and for burning off extra energy.. (something my boys seem to have piles of).. Hence this great little present!! Happy kids = Happy Mommy!! You'll notice the picture from their website - on their useage.. and then you will see the attached pictures of some of the ways my kids use them!!! Oh well..

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Someday it will not matter how big my house is, how much money is in the bank, or where i have travelled.. only that I have been important in the life of a child...