Monday, September 26, 2011

Isaac Turns 5!!!

It seems surreal somehow that its already been 5 years since we became parents... (somehow i thought i'd have more figured out by now :( He has honestly been an easy kid. He is  kind, and wants to do whats right and is so horrified now days if he gets in trouble....  He is timid and shy, but a great friend once he warms up to you. He loves a good back rub at the end of the day (but is very specific about how you do it:)  We love his shy little smile, and how right now he gets off the bus and is ok with a big hug...  He's been asking to go and see the horses jump so we went to Spruce Meadows with some of our closest friends for his birthday.. It was the perfect afternoon, hot and sunny, and the evening was beautiful too. Us moms went at 3 and the dads joined us for supper and the fireworks show later in the evening.. (unfortunately i forgot my camera.. in trying to pack snacks, the cupcakes,candles, and treat bags :(
Now he thinks all birthdays should happen there and that they did the fireworks just for his birthday.... (of course they did :)
His favorite was the jumping and the dog races.. and he told me next time we could skip the part where the horses go around in a circle to music.. (the RCMP musical ride ... he didnt seem to care they spent all year practicing this routine ...


Anonymous said...

Jeepers you have cute kids and they have a hot mamma! B

mandypants said...

Awww, love the sweet pancakes and morning bedheads! Happy Birthday Isaac!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Issac!
With love,

Someday it will not matter how big my house is, how much money is in the bank, or where i have travelled.. only that I have been important in the life of a child...