Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Beautiful

This little girl has added so much sunshine into our lives and love to our hearts.. Its hard to believe that she's one today.. I'm not sure why pregnancy seems like 4 years and the first year seems like 4 weeks. Very unfair.. However we feel incredibly thankful and lucky to have her in our lives. To be honest when i found out i was pregnant with her.. i had a lot of tears.. and not immediately tears of joy... but from the moment we met her she has turned our little 4'some into a family like we could never have imagined.. She's our 'happy pants', our 'solemn eyed little girl', our 'dollie', 'Brookee'.. and so so much more.. She's not the center of the party.. but she's some kind of party girl.. (especially for us!!) Her nature is so amazing, and yet you'll never run her over .. just try it. She's incredibly tough and yet such a gentle soul. So baby girl.. we can't imagine life without you.. We love you.. (your mommy and your boys and especially your awe struck Daddy)


mandypants said...

Happy Birthday Darling Girl!!!

Mori said...

happy birthday beautiful brooke!

sharmilla said...

Hope sweet Brooke had a wonderful 1st Birthday!!!

Someday it will not matter how big my house is, how much money is in the bank, or where i have travelled.. only that I have been important in the life of a child...