Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Letter To My Son... On His 2nd Birthday

Dear Jace,
Happy Birthday little man... Its hard to believe that you are 2 already... It seems just yesterday that you were born.. Your strong lusty cry filling the room... I can't believe what a little man you've become... In some ways i want to keep you little forever.. But in others it brings tears of joy to my heart to see you grow up.. I love your zest for life.. I love your bright dimpled smile. I love how you are always looking for Isaac and Brooke.. I love how.. you love ME.. I know your daddy loves how excited you are to see him at the end of his work day. When you were born there were so many uncertainties.. Thank you for teaching me - that tomorrow doesnt matter.. TO grab today by the horns and live it to its fullest.. Thank you for teaching me that being "IMPERFECT"... is perfect.. Hugs.. Hugss... Hugs.. and Kisses...  Mom


mandypants said...

Happy Birthday little man!!! We are constantly inspired by your energy and love of life.....keep it up!

Jarvis, Alyson Daudi and Adair said...

Happy 2nd birthday, Jace. And 'Amen' to your mom's letter.

Someday it will not matter how big my house is, how much money is in the bank, or where i have travelled.. only that I have been important in the life of a child...