Monday, September 21, 2009

Our Little Surprise

Although she was not planned... (and NOT a MISTAKE).. we call her our surprise.. She has been the best surprise EVER... She's 7 weeks old now and a whopping 12 lbs 8 oz... And we just can't imagine life without her. She's daddy's little girl, Mommy's doll, and the boys best toy... She is definately not lacking in attention or kisses... We still think she's the best!!


letisha said...

so sweet! love the pink ruffles!

mandypants said...

...cause a suprise was something you didn't know how badly you wanted/needed it until it comes! :)

Someday it will not matter how big my house is, how much money is in the bank, or where i have travelled.. only that I have been important in the life of a child...